Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A former pastor of the church "Faith in Action" (Faith in Action) in Anaheim, southeast of Los Angeles, was sentenced today to 90 years in prison for sexually abusing four girls and a child of his congregation.

Raul Rosas Hernandez, 44, a resident of Stanton, California, who was pastor of the church, was found guilty of 34 charges higher, showing remorse for their actions and holding a Bible in her hand.

However, the judge had no compassion former pastor, who abused his first victim, between 12 and 13 years-old sexually assaulted on two occasions between February 3 2001 and February 2, 2003, according to research.

The second victim of a similar age-abuse suffered between 23 May 1996 and May 22, 1998. A boy aged 10 was also harassed by the pastor at the church office and once at his home in Anaheim, who came and asked him about explicit sex, police reported.

Between 14 August 1997 and February 13, 2006, Hernandez repeatedly abused another girl between 7 and 15 years old, forcing her to have sex with him in the church office, authorities reported.

Hernandez also recorded on video sex acts in his pastoral office, as reported today. The cases were discovered after a complaint filed in June 2007, when the third girl victim told a family member about the abuse.

The abuser had attempted to circumvent his probation by trying to escape to Mexico, when he learned of a possible life sentence, but was caught in Redlands, east of LA

The fourth girl abused by the pastor was identified by the authorities by one of the videos and Hernandez contacted to assist with the investigation.


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