Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Internet platform of YouTube videos will block the dissemination of music videos on your site in Germany, after the expiry of their agreement on Wednesday with Gem, a copyright, it reported in a statement.

YouTube, the U.S. subsidiary of Google, and the copyright society have failed until now to agree on the amount of pay "for the dissemination of music videos, Gema said in their communique.

The society of copyright is not to extend the current agreement that ended on March 31 and which provided "a compensation package with detailed information on the use of musical excerpts and the number of videos viewed," he says.

"Negotiations on a new agreement failed because YouTube is unwilling to meet the requirements of transparency on the use of Gema his musical repertoire," continued the statement.

In March, YouTube had announced that blocked the spread of some music video on your site in English, failing to reach an agreement for the renewal of a broadcast company with a copyright.

In a 'blog' in Google, the director Patrick Walker said that a fare Gema calls "above fifty times higher" than the British company called copyright, and that seeking a solution "acceptable and durable" for both sides.

Gema represent 60,000 artists in Germany.


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