Saturday, January 17, 2009

Patrick Swayze was discharged Friday from the hospital entrance where a week earlier with pneumonia, his representative announced.

Annett Wolf said the actor was resting at home. The incident was first reported in a statement to People magazine Wolf.

A publicist preferred not to comment on the situation of Swayze and a message left Wolf has had no response.

Swayze, who suffers from cancer of the pancreas, was hospitalized on January 9 to put under observation for a box of pneumonia.

The actor of 56 years announced in March it was facing a particularly deadly form of cancer. Some reports gave only a few weeks of life, but his doctor said his situation was not so bad.

Swayze told presenter Barbara Walters of ABC, that his fight against cancer has made "going through hell" while looking for a new TV series.

Swayze has been working on the series "The Beast", released this week on the channel A & E. The producers have said they learned about the state of Swayze four hours after learning that A & E decided to purchase the series.

They added that the filming was completed his first season and hoped that Swayze continue participating in the series for its second season.


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