Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The presence in the internet site Facebook socialization of several groups of fans who defend the Sicilian Mafia and praise to two chiefs of the Cosa Nostra provoked strong condemnation Tuesday from the families of the victims mafiosos attacks.

With the names' Toto Riina Free ',' Fans of Toto Riina, a misunderstood man 'or' All those who respect Toto Riina, 'several groups of users that would pay homage to the supreme leader of the Sicilian Mafia, 78 years old, nicknamed 'The Beast' and detained in 1993, after which he was sentenced to 15 life terms.

In the pages of some groups, which rarely go beyond the 200-member fans celebrated the figure of "a man of honor," a "father" that "if hubera free state, would have prevented the crisis" or even an "innocent "andalusia to be" kissing the hand. "

His successor, Bernardo Provenzano, 75 years old, is not outside the group of fans, and one of them suggested that the "sanctity" of the last historic leader of the Cosa Nostra, was arrested in April 2006 after more than forty fled years.

"I'm outraged, the 'evil' fascinanciĆ³n still exerts on young people. We must do everything necessary so that this does not happen, but some messages on the Internet and some films do not help," lamented on Tuesday in the daily La Repubblica Maria Falcone, sister of Judge Giovanni Falcone, figurehead of the fight against the Mafia who was killed with his wife and his bodyguard on May 23, 1992.

"They (these groups) to admire the mafia bosses and joke about serious crimes," his complaint, in a communique Maggiani Giovanna Chelli, head of an association of victims of the Mafia.

By contrast with the hundreds of fans, the Facebook site dedicated to the memory of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, another judge murdered by the mafia with its escort of five police officers in July 1992, have tens of thousands of members.


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